Clapham Osteopath is owned and operated by Peter Gray Consulting Ltd. The Principal/Osteopath is Peter Gray who holds a Masters Degree in Osteopathy, a Diploma in Sports Injuries/Massage and a postgraduate certificate in Acupuncture. Peter is registered with the General Osteopathic Council, the Institute of Osteopathy and the British Complementary Medicine Association. He trained at the London School of Osteopathy and is a lifetime member of the Academy of Physical Medicine.
Peter can provide a variety of treatments tailored to suit the needs of each individual patient. He offers general osteopathic treatments for all his patients usually based on a structural and biomechanical analysis. He also offers sports massage, sports injury rehabilitation, acupuncture, cranial osteopathy, care during/after pregnancy and some personal training. You can read more about treatment and prices here.
Peter is a keen sportsperson and has a particular interest in the treatment of Sports Injuries. He also specialises in the problems of ageing including Arthritis, Spinal Degenerative conditions, Shoulder, hip and knee pathologies, etc. and is committed to helping people maintain good mobility and life quality in their more mature years. He is passionate about the effectiveness of osteopathy and strongly believes that osteopathic treatment should be available on the NHS; nearly 30% of all GP consultations are for musculoskeletal pain and osteopaths are best placed to diagnose and treat such pain. You can read more about osteopathy here.
“I can offer huge enthusiasm and dedication, and measure my own success according to my patients’ recovery. At the same time, I recognise the importance of patient involvement and participation in their own health and rehabilitation. Getting you better will be my top priority and I aim to achieve some improvement in symptoms after the first treatment and make a significant difference within 3 treatment sessions. You can read what some of my patients say here.”
Appointments: 0207 118 9904 or 07918 107393
Email: pe***@cl**************.uk
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